How-to: Getting started with Known

Chapter 5

Publish and Edit Content

With your Known site, you can publish a variety of types of content, including images, audio, location, short messages, longer posts, and more. Everything on your Known site is searchable, and you can add hashtags to help organize content.

Publishing a status update

Publish a Status Update

A status update is a short message. It’s a great way to publish a brief thought, a quote, or a note. To publish a new status update, do the following:

  1. Click the Status update icon from your home stream. This will open up the publish window.
  2. Type in your message. You can add #hashtags and links, but you can’t format this content with HTML.
  3. If you’ve connected to your social accounts, you’ll see toggles for the different accounts below the text box. Select any accounts that you want to send this update to by clicking on the toggle.
  4. Hit “Publish” and your update will immediately be published on your site. It will also be automatically syndicated to any social accounts you selected.

Editing a status update

Edit a status update

The world is an ever-changing place. Maybe you published an update but forgot to include a link, or maybe you noticed a spelling error after it was too late. Fear not! You can edit content after you’ve published it. To edit an update, you must be signed into your site. Look for the “edit” link below that update. Once you’ve clicked the link, you can make any changes and then hit “save” to save the update.

Note: At this time, you can’t syndicate content out to social networks again when you’re saving an update.

Deleting a status update

delete a status update

To delete a status update, you must be signed into your site. Look for the “delete” link below the update. Once you’ve clicked the link, you’ll see a browser pop-up asking if you’re sure you want to delete the content. Hit “ok” and the update will be deleted.

Note: If you’ve syndicated the content to social networks or other places, the update will not be deleted from those sites. You’ll have to visit those networks to delete the content from their platform.

Publishing other content

You can publish, edit, and delete other content just like you would with status updates. Just select the icon for the content that you want to publish from the top of your home stream. For the specifics on publishing different types of content, see below.

Publishing posts

Publish a post

Posts are a great way to publish an essay or a blog article. Posts let you publish longer pieces of content, and you can embed media like YouTube videos or audio clips from SoundCloud into posts.

By default, there are two views for typing your post, the rich text view and the plain text view.

Using the rich text editor

Using the Rich Text Editor

The rich text editor - also known as a WYSIWYG editor (for What You See Is What You Get) - provides a formatting toolbar for your writing.


The “Formats” dropdown gives you most of the options for formatting your text, including inserting different types of headers, changing inline text styles between bold, italic, underline, etc, and changing the alignment of text. You can also find options for some of these, including bold text, italic text, blockquotes, and alignment options as icons in the format bar.


To insert a link into your post, select the icon that looks like a link. This will open up a window where you can paste in your URL and write out the text for the link. If you’d like to upload an image into your post, select the image icon in the format bar. This will open up a window with a “source” field. Selecting the file search icon will let you find the image file on your computer and upload it to your post. You can also add an image alt description and set the image size here.

Using the plain text editor

With the plain text editor, you can write your post and include HTML for the formatting. You may want to type your content out in your favorite text editing software and then paste the content into the post field, or you can write directly into the post box. Note that there isn’t a way to directly upload images into the post through the plain text editor.

Publishing images

Publishing images

If you’d like to publish a picture, photo, or drawing to your site, the image content type is for you! When you select the image icon, you’ll be taken to the image publishing screen. Click the “select a photo” button to open the file browser. Below, you can add a title and caption for your image.

Publishing locations

Publishing locations

Check into different locations to save a record of your favorite places. To check into a location, select the check-in icon from the top of your home stream. When the new check-in window opens, your web browser may show you a message asking for your computer’s location. Choose “allow” so that the browser can tell where you are.

Once your location has loaded, a marker will appear on the map and an estimated address will be provided. The platform will try to determine your location from the information provided by your browser, but if it’s wrong, you can also move the map marker or update the address in the address field. You can also update the location name and add some comments.

Save a bookmark

Publishing Bookmarks

You can use your Known site to save all of your bookmarks in one place. To save a bookmark, choose the bookmark icon from the top of your home stream. Paste the URL you’d like to save into the field titled “page address.” Once you click out of the URL field, the page will update with the URL’s page title. You can edit this if you’d like.

You can also add a comment, description, or #hashtags to the bookmark.

Publish audio

Publish audio

Do you have a recording of a DJ set, a radio show that you produce, or a podcast that you make? You can publish audio content to your site by selecting the audio icon at the top of your home stream. When you upload an audio file, it needs to be formatted as MP3.

You can give the track a title and include a description, show notes, and transcription below. The description field also supports #hashtags.

This how-to guide was last updated on August 7, 2015.